Urdhva Mukha Svanasana -Upward-facing dog pose
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior pose 2)
Poor head & neck alignment can result in neck pain
Dog Pose with a brick between your thighs is a great adaptation to your classic 'Adho Mukha Svānāsana'.
The (bamboo) brick enables you to roll the thighs in and create more space in the 'sacro-illiac' joint and helps to grip your hips. This in turn will give you an effective way of stretching the lower back & alleviate 'lower' back pain. I have my hands against the wall 'opposing thumbs' which stops your hands from slipping and enables you to loosen your shoulders & upper back. Leaving you feeling rejuvenated. See on youtube: https://youtu.be/AwytZUPzAyk |
How to sit and position your feet. Ideal for poor posture at a desk or in your office. Straight back & use an adjustable foot support or yoga equipment. The second half of this video shows a neck release by sitting on one hand and facing forward. Take a look! |
Setu Bandha - Bridge Pose ...Benefits:
Benefits of Padmasana / Lotus Pose
Garudasana - Eagle Pose
hips & stretch your spine, whilst you are sitting down. |
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana - Upward hand stretch
Shoulder & Upper back loosener
Make sure you don't lock elbows or 'hyper-extend arms' This pose can be carried out in cross legged, or kneeling pose |
Gomukhasana - Loosens shoulders
Pashchima Namaskarasana Reverse Prayer Pose
Marichyasana III Standing twist using chair
Sukhasana Twist
Adho Mukha Virasana
Utkatasana Fierce or Warrior Pose
Supta Baddha Konanasana Lying down Pose
As with any physical activity there is a risk of injury associated with Yoga.
The decision to perform any exercise remains the individual’s responsibility for any problems outside or within a class.
If you are in any doubt as to your fitness, please consult a GP beforehand.
Participation in yoga classes is entirely at your own risk and any loss, damage, injury or any other mishap will not be the responsibility of Elaine Liffchak.
Don’t start any exercise or fitness program without carefully assessing your own state of health and level of physical conditioning. Inclusive of considering your age, any illnesses or injuries you are recovering from, doing some personal research, and if necessary consulting your personal physician.
The essence of Yoga is to become your own doctor, taking responsibility for yourself!
As with any physical activity there is a risk of injury associated with Yoga.
The decision to perform any exercise remains the individual’s responsibility for any problems outside or within a class.
If you are in any doubt as to your fitness, please consult a GP beforehand.
Participation in yoga classes is entirely at your own risk and any loss, damage, injury or any other mishap will not be the responsibility of Elaine Liffchak.
Don’t start any exercise or fitness program without carefully assessing your own state of health and level of physical conditioning. Inclusive of considering your age, any illnesses or injuries you are recovering from, doing some personal research, and if necessary consulting your personal physician.
The essence of Yoga is to become your own doctor, taking responsibility for yourself!